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God Made Me a Virgin Again

To listen to the weblog mail service "God Is Keeping You Single Because of These 6 Reasons" click the play button downward below.

Exercise y'all keep asking yourself why is God keeping me single? I remember I used to ask God the aforementioned affair and that is when God decided to answer me and the respond was a hard dose of reality and information technology was non pretty. Because the respond was not about OTHER people, the answer was that God was keeping me single because in that location were some things that I needed to ameliorate in myself.

I think that nosotros can go then consumed on why God is not giving us a relationship this becomes our entire focus. In my case, there were some things OR A LOT of things that God wanted me to heal from before he brought me a relationship.

I remember I used to sit in the one spot in my home and just whine, mutter, and pray then hard about God not giving me a man. Only that is the flaw, in the sense that if I was obsessed nigh a relationship THAT much then that was an issue that means that information technology had become an idol. And so unmarried women I am going to tell you equally God told me, why He is keeping yous single and what you can practise about it.  Also, check out my video down below on what you tin can practice while y'all are unmarried.

1. Why is God keeping me single ~ considering you take a purpose.

If you lot are wondering why God is keeping me unmarried yous demand to undertand something about relationships. Relationships are fulfilling don't become me wrong but I do not think that God went through all the trouble of forming yous in your mother's womb (Jeremiah one:5) just so that you lot can exist a girlfriend, wife, or attached to a man? I think that God gave you, your unique talents and purpose that He wants you to do in this life independent of anyone else and that when you practise that the man will naturally come up.

Why is God Keeping Me Single Bible Poesy: For we [believers will be called to business relationship and] must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each 1 may be repaid for what has been done in the body, whether skillful or bad [that is, each will be held responsible for his actions, purposes, goals, motives" the use or misuse of his time, opportunities and abilities]. 2 Corinthians 5:10 (AMP)

When you are single what I want you to reverberate on is how yous are spending your fourth dimension, what things are God presenting in front of you that you are not taking advantage of, perhaps because you are so focused on a man. 1 of the things that God told me on why He was keeping me single was that I had a purpose and perhaps that when I started to get virtually that purpose then I would see the man along the manner.

But the refusal to move up was going to go on me stuck. Considering the fact is that when I listened to God He was right. I practise non date the aforementioned blazon of man and I know what homo would be as yoked with me. That was only possible when I constitute out what in the world I was supposed to exist doing with my life and not focusing on the man that was not in my life.

Also, be sure to check out my video on why you should chase purpose and not a human where I go into more detail nigh this. And subscribe to my channel by clicking here.

2. Why Is God Keeping Me Single ~ God is keeping you single because relationships are your idol

The second reason on why is God keeping me unmarried may be considering of idolatry, let me explain. I know we know about the whole 10 commandants and even works of the mankind well-nigh having idols. Nearly people associate this with having other Gods BUT NO. Information technology is annihilation that yous want or desire more than than God.

Why is God Keeping Me Unmarried Bible Verse: So put to decease and deprive of power the evil longings of your earthly trunk [with its sensual, self-centered instincts] immorality, impurity, sinful passion, evil desire, and greed, which is [a kind of] idolatry [because it replaces your devotion to God]. Colossians iii:5 (AMP)

So maybe all of the energy that you take put thinking near a relationship or fifty-fifty wanting a human relationship should be put back in God. Relationships are not evil BUT when you long for them so much that information technology is all yous think about and all you lot want and then that is an idol because an idol replaces your devotion to God. And God is a jealous God, God is jealous for you and He is NEVER going to give you something that volition take your focus off of him. Ideally, a relationship drives yous closer to God non abroad from or supervene upon.

Why is God Keeping Me Single Bible Poetry:: I am jealous for you lot with a godly jealousy because I have promised you lot to i husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ. two Corinthians 11:2 (AMP)

Too check out my video down below for are yous trying to supervene upon God with men.

iii. Why is God keeping me single ~ perhaps it is because you need to heal

We all have baggage that is but a fact of life, having baggage is not the issue only having baggage and not beingness aware of it and non dealing with information technology is the result. If you have low self-esteem, then you will attract men that volition accept advantage of that. If you are needy or have daddy issues so you lot will attract toxic and emotionally calumniating men.

And if past chance, you lot exercise get a good human even with all of your problems, it will be difficult for you lot to take a salubrious relationship because your baggage will exist crowding up the entire human relationship because it is not dealt with. And either he will go out or the relationship would just be unbearable. No one wants to take on all the responsibleness of your undealt with baggage

No ane is perfect. We all take luggage fifty-fifty I have baggage Only I have learned to bargain with information technology. It is a very sad day when I meet women who take baggage and they exercise non fifty-fifty know it. They swear up and down that they are set to be in a relationship just they got all of these bug and God knows that if he were to bring together you with the other person that your issues will merely transfer over to them and that is not fair. Which brings me to my adjacent betoken.

4. Why Is God Keeping Me Single ~ God is keeping you unmarried because you are toxic

I am a woman and I have encountered other toxic women so I tin simply imagine how some of these men feel when dealing with some of you. Some of them whine, complain, and yell fashion also much. And make a mountain over a molehill, every piffling thing is an issue. For the Bible clearly states:

Why Is God Keeping Me Single Bible Poetry: A abiding dripping on a day of steady rain, and a contentious (quarrelsome) woman are alike; whoever attempts to restrain her [criticism] might besides try to finish the wind, and grasps oil with his correct manus. Proverbs 27:15-20

Meaning that some of your mouths are wreckless, some of you are doing manner too much and exercise not know how to talk to people. When y'all read the Proverbs 31 woman which I recommend all of yous practise information technology says this:

Why is God Keeping Me Single Bible Poesy: The heart of her hubby trusts in her [with secure conviction], and he volition accept no lack of gain. She comforts, encourages, and does him only skilful and not evil. All the days of her life. Proverbs 31: 11-12

That means you take to ask yourself who you lot are in a relationship. Tin a man trust yous? Are yous out with other men flirting? Are you encouraging or are yous only yelling all the time telling him that you are going to leave if you lot don't go what you want? If you are toxic energy when you are in a relationship and then y'all need to effigy out a way to heal from that as no human wants to be infected with it. A bang-up identify to start would be to check out my video down below.

5. Why Is God Keeping Me Single, It is considering you don't know what love is.

I was a big offender of this. For some reason, women recollect that it is our purpose to be the ride or die chick even to men who refuse to men. And we somehow feel that this is the true essence of beloved when that is simply NOT truthful. When you read the post-obit Bible poesy:

Why is God Keeping Me Unmarried Bible Verse: Love endures with patience and serenity, dear is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does non brag and is not proud or arrogant. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into business relationship a incorrect endured. It does non rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when correct and truth prevail].

Dear bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]. i Corinthians 13:4-viii

Although no one is perfect and mayhap we can never observe this true form of dear we should at to the lowest degree attempt to both be and find someone that is like this. I talk about my emotionally abusive relationship with my son's begetter and it was everything that was the opposite of this.

So if you keep getting yourself into the wrong type of human relationship and then God is not going to keep assuasive you to hurt your self. Your singleness is to protect you until you can recognize real love and accept that this is God's will for y'all and not some jacked-up version of it. Too, bank check out my video below.

6. Why Is God Keeping Me Single ~ God is keeping you unmarried considering you have nothing to offer.

Go out information technology to me to keep it existent with you. Some of you women have zero to offer and take the nervus to want the BEST possible man. The fact of the matter is that when God created Eve he created her to be a companion to the human.

But for Adam in that location was non found a helper [that was] suitable (a companion) for him.  So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to autumn upon Adam; and while he slept, He took one of his ribs and closed upwards the flesh at that place.  And the rib which the Lord God had taken from the human being He fabricated (fashioned, formed) into a adult female, and He brought her and presented her to the human being. Genesis 2:4-three:24 (AMP)

Why is God Keeping Me Single Bible Verse:

Relationships are not just about sex activity, it is not but about a man giving y'all coin, in fact, relationships are Not all about yous. You have to bring something to a relationship. No 1 wants to feel used and no one wants to feel similar they are getting into a human relationship with someone that has goose egg to offer. In the volume Played or Exist Played (which y'all can click here to buy but fair alarm it has some profanity in it.

He rates women A to F and the F woman are the desperate women that take nothing to offer. The A women are the attractive women that have their life together and have everything to offering which is why they accept their choice of men.  See my video down beneath where I talk more nigh the classes of women.

I know some of these tips are not ones that you desire to hear just if yous are asking yourself why is God keeping me single then you know that the only person you can change is you. It can be some of these reasons or it can be none of this Simply information technology is all-time to always keep working on yourself then that you can both concenter and be the ideal partner.

If you know someone that may need to read this blog then go ahead and share information technology with them. PLUS, I take a volume for Christian single women " Fix It Jesus For Single Women Simply" that yous can buy here and information technology is even on audible. If, yous are non sure if the book is for you and then click hither or the motion-picture show below to go the first chapter free.


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